Participant orientation
- review SETE content and process; ask questions, and address concerns.
- discuss professional goals, career, and performance.
- build comfort and rapport.
Organization orientation
Next, SETE program faculty meet with the participants’ direct managers to review SETE content and process, and the role of the sponsor organization. Human Resources/Professional Development staff are encouraged to join this.
Skills assessment
SETE includes an online survey customized to the program goals. The participants take the survey, as do the participant’s direct manager and up to five peers/reports, at the start of the program and again at five months.
Core Lab
Participants gather for this highly participative, intensive workshop. The first Lab is three days, followed by two single-day Labs (at three months and program end).
Peer learning teams
At the Lab, participants are organized into small groups to provide mutual structured feedback, counsel, and support. Teams meet regularly throughout the program.
Coaching sessions
Participants meet individually with SETE faculty to review goals, provide feedback, and assess progress as the program proceeds. The sessions are evenly spaced through the program.
On-the-job practice
Participants apply skills learned in the core Lab sessions to their jobs, processing these experiences in their peer learning teams and coaching sessions, and seeing the results in their second assessment (at five months).
The SciEnTech Edge progam
Who are the participants?
What are the results?
How does it flow?
Scientech Edge is designed specifically for leaders who began their careers as contributing professionals and have assumed leadership responsibilities.